Quilts in the Garden

Our July Gathering Day 'sort-a-thon' .... and it was busy, busy, busy at the Hall.


Well it was a brisk and productive at the Hall when we gathered on Saturday July 9th. We had a slightly bigger attendance than the previous month ... due in no small part to the news that we finally had heating connected .. woohoo!! And it was most definitely needed .. as it was a dank and overcast day outside I can tell you :)

Present were Annette, Sandi, Yvonne, Jenny, Christine, Cheryl, Joy, Elaine and newest members Margaret, Carmel and Joan. 

The ladies were soon hard at work organising a complete refresh of our Market stock ... that which had previously been out as part of our fundraising efforts at various local Markets .. now returned to stock to be repurposed as our 'Gifting' quilts. In order that folk patronising our QFO market Stalls to now have new 'for sale' quilts from which to make their choices. Of course I must explain that we regularly attend local Markets in order to showcase our ministry, letting folk know exactly who we are and what we do. 

And in this way we raise funds for the purchase of batting and supplies with which to continue to make our gifting quilts.


Carmel and Annette folding and getting prepared to shelve our quilts.

Annette with a table full of soon to be gifted quilts. 

Annette with Jenny on folding/sorting duty.


An overview of our shelves brimful of quilts destined for gifting.

Meanwhile Yvonne was kept busy quilting more ... and showing Carmel the 'ins and outs' of the process.





The final part of the quilt process ... hand stitching the binding. This was my 'homework' which I admit to forgetting to complete earlier ;)


Sandi wields a mean iron whilst multitasking a chat with Annette.


Cheryl, who had pieced together this lovely quilt from a myriad of small scraps, discussing plans with Christine who was on trimming duty.


Margaret and Joan sorting fabric ...


A break for refreshments ...


Elaine and Jenny sorting through a donation of vintage doileys we recently received as part of a 'destash'.


Meanwhile .. back at the cutting table ... Margaret and Christine were busily cutting fabric for bindings.


Cheryl getting into the swing of things with the quilting machine ..


Joan, Sandi and Carmel busy at the fabric and folding table. Lovely to be welcoming new members to our group :)


A hive of activity .. and never a dull moment as everyone was busy stitching, cutting, folding, sorting .. and chatting :}


Now I am more than a little happy to be able to share with you that ... among our recent giftings of our quilts .. we have been able to wrap in a warm fabric hug recent Ukrainian arrivals to our shores.

Annette tells me that we have gifted around 100 colourful warm quilts to folk resettling here. I have two photos which show just how well received and welcome these 'hugs' have been. As Annette tells me 'the smiles say it all'.

Isn't this wonderful .. truly what QFO is all about. Sharing quilts with those in need of comfort.


Annette says 'L & Y arrived in Australia from the Ukraine. Their grandson enjoys a cosy QFO quilt and they send their appreciation'. 


And that just about winds up our July Blogpost ... i do hope that you enjoyed seeing what we got up to at our latest gathering. We look forward to our next Gathering Day which will take place on Saturday August 14th  .. can you believe just how quickly the year is flying by .. I certainly cannot. Our monthly Gathering Day starts at 9.30 am and finishes at 3 pm .. with no obligation to 'stay the course' if you have to leave early. Bring your own lunch and be assured of a warm welcome. 

Till next Blogpost, 

Blessings to all



Contact us via our Website : www.quiltsfororphans.org 

Blogger: Susan Hamilton .....phone (03)9737 1825

email: [email protected]

Our postal address (for donations) is  P.O Box 398 Monbulk Victoria 3793

And .... we are www.quiltsfororphans.org 

On 'social media'  aka Facebook find us at https://www.facebook.com/QuiltsForOrphans/

Check out the following Links:

http://kayleenwest.com.au .... for Art with a positive spirit

http://mellyandme.typepad.com .... creative clothing etc for children

 http://mrsmartinsquiltshop.typepad.com/  ...whose customer blessed us with awesome fabric

We have also stitched for the following Childrens Homes ....

http://www.butterflych.org/.... for news about the Butterfly Palliative Care hospice in China

And their very own Blog ... which is beautifully written and contains inspirational stories on the children in their care. See the Link below:



www.freetobekids.org/- .... the rescue organisation that frees children from slavery and exploitation

www.hopefosterhome.com ... the babies we are creating crib quilts for in China ...

www.zoehopeproject.blogspot.com  .... giving hope to children in Zambia.

http://english.chinaconcern.org/  ... more children in China that we have stitched for ...

http://www.lolachildrensfund.org/ .... in Ethiopia

http://www.fikelela.org.za/orphan.asp .... the Fikelala AIDS Project in Capetown

http://mifanmama.com/Shining_Star_2.html the Home for vision impaired children in Shanghai


www.jewelsofhope.org ... the project we stitch for in Lesotho Southern Africa




The Matombo Village Project vimeo.com/217129149


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