And a lovely welcome at our front door in Hoddles Creek as we rolled up for the start of another year of creating our fabric 'hugs'. The weather was rather warm, but that didn't deter us .. and during the course of the morning a large (mega large actually) fan on a stand materialised and soon sent a refreshing breeze thru the workspace for our comfort. Think we have Jim to thank for that ... so thanks ever so muchly. And here he is .. in front of his biggest fan ;)
Present on the day we welcomed some familiar faces as well as some new folk ... we had Annette, Cheryl, Yvonne, Deborah, Pauline, Win, Isobel (and Gemma) Joan, Christine, Jennifer, Sandi, Kathy, Janet, Sheryl, Joy, Impi and Naomi (who kindly popped in with a donation of quilt tops).
I confess to missing the taking of Show and Tell donations .. I was busy stitching and kind of got 'lost' in the moment. I have however taken a selection of random snaps of the day though and promise (cross my heart) to do better next month.
First random snap is of a rather spectacular appliqued quilt which Cheryl brought along to show us. It's her personal piece (sorry for anyone hoping to see it on our fundraising table) but an inspirational work to showcase what can be created with fabric of many sizes and patterns. It's for going travelling in her caravan .. and I think it's just a leetle bit incredible :)
Now I've been told by Annette that from destashing donations we have been able to enlist a few offsite folk with a creative 'bent' who have stitched for us a variety of rather wonderful items indeed. From the Lorne quilters ... who worked on a very large donation from a lady (Shirley) whose family blessed us with the contents of her sewing room. The Lorne quilters have created for us these beautiful tote bags, which will be available I believe at our upcoming fundraising stalls (details of which may be found on our website under 'Upcoming Events')
Other items have also been created and regifted back to us upon completion and we are so very appreciative .. :)
And wait .... there's more ..... not quite sure I caught the creator of these. Intense concentration was not my forte on the day I'm afraid .. so bear with me. I promise I'll have my act well and truly together in March ;)
Funds generated from the sale of these skillfully created pieces will of course be funnelled back into the purchase of batting used in the creation of our 'gifting' quilts. Which I have taken a random snap of our shelves to show just how very busy we have been. Behind our Sheryl are our already completed fabric 'hugs'.
And below ... we have tubs of quilts heading toward completion and just in need of our finishing touches.
Of course without the willing hands of our hand stitchers ... those tubs would be even fuller. And needless to say we had been busy during our break .. so those tubs will most definitely be fuller by next time I whip my camera out.
Our intrepid hand stitchers hard at work.
Annette and Pauline catching up ...
A combination of quilting methods .. Yvonne who runs and teaches on the Gammill at the Hall ... and Cheryl who was busy on her domestic quilting machine. Great to have 'options' with which to finish off our fabric 'hugs'.
Fascinating to watch the smaller quilting machine at work ...
A well earned break for lunch whilst Annette filled us in on what's been happening since we last met ...
We learnt that donated items that are not able to be utilised in the creating of our quilts are in turn re-gifted to other charity organisations for their fundraising purposes. These charities include Samaritans Purse, the Benwewrren Opshop and the Leprosy Mission among others. So nothing is wasted after we have taken the fabrics and threads etc suitable for making our quilts. Of course we must thank Deborah and Annette for facilitating the 'regifting' and collection/delivery of these destashings. Should any of our volunteers be available to help in these tasks .. please let Annette and Deborah know ... many hands make the collecting and sorting easier needless to say.
A few 'post lunch' shots of our suitably refreshed stitchers ... refuelled and ready to resume. Here we have Sandi and Sheryl.
And proving that it is indeed possible to almost be in two places at once .. the multi-talented Sandi wields a mean iron whilst Cheryl trims fabric in the background.
Our 'newbie' Janet soon came to grips with learning the Gammill under Yvonnes tutelage.
And lest folk decide that lugging their machine from home is a wearisome option ... we have a selection of freshly serviced machines here ... including the whizzbang workhorse 'Husqvarna' which was gifted to us a few years ago and apparently runs like the proverbial dream. So folks ... we are never short of options ;)
And leaving on a happy note from our Sheryl ... I will now wind this up and bid you farewell until next Blog entry. I look forward to sharing with you news of quilt giftings and plans for more activities. I believe Annette will be co-ordinating a 'Makers Marathon' up at the Hall in the not too distant future. So prime yourselves for a day of stitching camaraderie and creating.
Till next blog,
Blessings and thanks to all our supporters
Contact us via our Website :
Blogger: Susan Hamilton (03)9737 1825
email: [email protected]
Our postal address (for donations) is P.O Box 398 Monbulk Victoria 3793
And .... we are
On 'social media' aka Facebook find us at
Check out the following Links: .... for Art with a positive spirit .... creative clothing etc for children ...whose customer blessed us with awesome fabric
We have also stitched for the following Childrens Homes .... for news about the Butterfly Palliative Care hospice in China
And their very own Blog ... which is beautifully written and contains inspirational stories on the children in their care. See the Link below: .... the rescue organisation that frees children from slavery and exploitation ... the babies we are creating crib quilts for in China ... .... giving hope to children in Zambia. ... more children in China that we have stitched for ... .... in Ethiopia .... the Fikelala AIDS Project in Capetown the Home for vision impaired children in Shanghai ... the project we stitch for in Lesotho Southern Africa
The Matombo Village Project