Well ... not actually working on a Quilt ... just a Blogpost ... but the perameters are pretty much the same ;)
And here I go with my October update on all things QFO and FOQ (that's Festival of Quilts to those just checking out the Blog).
We gathered at The Shed yesterday, October 13th, to work on more fine tuning for our inaugural Festival of Quilts which is taking place next month at Mont De Lancey in Wandin. Quilts had bindings attached, plans were put in place for helpers on volunteer duty during the Festival and generally the time just flew.
Sinling, Alison and Julie .. busily stitching bindings for us :)
And long time QFO member Alice ... always smiling :)
Present and accounted for were Alice, Win, Annette, Val, Mel, Deborah, Christine (and her sister Cate, visiting from the UK) Joy, Alison, Yvonne, Joanne (and her friend Bev), Sandi, Jenny, Sinling, Sheryl, Libby, Julie and yours truly. We also welcomed during the day Vanessa from Beaconhills Primary School who brought six beautiful quilts made and gifted to us from the students in years 2 to 4 at the school. Pictures will follow. But first a bit of 'Show and Tell' with more giftings of quilt tops that came thru the mail to us :)
Firstly .... delivered to us by our Mel from her friend Janet Hill .. a wonderful parcel of beautiful quilt tops, handknitted baby beanies and jumpers, together with quilt backing fabric. Just lovely and such a wonderful blessing which we look forward to both distributing via outreach programs and also incorporating the fabric into quilts. Thank you so very much Janet.
Stunning colours Janet and so beautifully knitted.
Next we received and unpacked 7 lovely quilt tops from long time offsite stitcher and supporter Gayle Cunningham in Queensland. Many thanks Gayle ... you never stop blessing us with your handiwork :) And your kindness is so very much appreciated ...
From Mary De Rome who was destashing ... some wonderful hand embroidered blocks which we look forward into incorporating into quilt tops. Stunning stitchery Mary and thank you so much also for the pieced blocks that you included in your parcel to us :)
Our 'Challenge Quilts' are beginning to come in ... these will form part of our Festival of Quilts and here are two that we received from the Chirnside Park Monday Night Craft Group ... can't wait to see them quilted and ready to display :)
And our own Alison completed two lovely quilt tops for us ... pictured below ... beautiful florals :)
A short break for lunch and an update from Deborah and Annette on the progress with our Festival of Quilts planning.
Then, as mentioned earlier, we had a lovely visit from Vanessa from Beaconhills College who brought with her six absolutely stunning quilts that were created by the students in years 2 to 4 as part of their Visual Arts curriculum. They also gifted quilts to the Quilts of Valor group.
The quilts with faces on them were representing 'tribes' of people .. some with orange noses and some with red noses. I think you'll agree that these children show amazing talent and I'd not be at all surprised if a career in the art world beckons them. And wait till you see the intricate piecing which utilised shapes and placement in blocks .. their work and skill blew my socks off!!
Ooops ... I clicked a tad prematurely .. so apologies for this snap Vanessa ... I just got a bit excited :)
What do you think? Pretty talented and what generous hearts they have too :) Thank you so very much Vanessa ... do let the children know just how very impressed and appreciative we are for both their talent and their heart for others :)
Whilst enjoying the Spring day I couldn't resist capturing Sandi at work ... and the view from our workspace .. beautiful Australian bushland surounds us ..
We have received news that the 50 small quilts we recently gifted to the Butterfly Hospice in China have reached land and we hope to hear that they are soon wrapping small children at the hospice in a warm and loving fabric 'hug'. On that note I received an email from our Joy who has news of more developments within the Butterfly Childrens Hospice.
Follow the Links for the full story.
We are privileged to have been able to be involved with this wonderful place over the years since QFO began.
http://butterflyhospice.org/bigger-vision-new-directions-part-one/ This blog post is the first instalment in a two-part series written by our CEO Lyn Gould about exciting new developments for Butterfly Children’s Hospices. “Yesterday I wept silent tears again. I was having a meeting in the orphanage with the head doctor discussing our new project to help fragile children, when I saw Winter... read more <http://butterflyhospice.org/?author=15 <https://butterflyhospice.org/bigger-vision-new-directions-part-two/> by Katie Hill <http://butterflyhospice.org/?author=15> This blog post is the second installment in a two-part series written by our CEO Lyn Gould about exciting new developments for Butterfly Children’s Hospices. <http://butterflyhospice.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/42416667_2260038454215510_2047036723862437888_n.jpg> <http://butterflyhospice.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Unknown.jpeg> <http://butterflyhospice.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Unknown-1.jpeg> <http://butterflyhospice.org/?author=15 <http://butterflyhospice.org/?taxonomy=category&term=education <http://butterflyhospice.org/?taxonomy=category&term=palliative-care>, http://butterflyhospice.org/?taxonomy=category&term=support-us <http://butterflyhospice.org/?taxonomy=category&term=the-children> | https://wp.me/p5M9mF-3Ec
I trust that your heart was touched, as are ours, by the Butterfly Hospice story.
And now ... from our CEO Annette .. referencing just one of the attractions at our upcoming Festival of Quilts ... the 'Janet O'Dell Trunk Show' on Wednesday the 14th of November at Mont De Lancey .. for those unfamiliar with what a Trunk Show is all about. I'll include a couple of pics after Annettes introduction :)
Janet’s vast collection of quilts from around the world reveal a complex history of
textiles and the women and men who crafted them.
Janet opens the trunk, and her stories reveal a history of fibre, society, and the
people who laboured for love or necessity on the quilts unfolding before our eyes.
She will tell us how she became a collector, a history of quilt types and the
beginnings of quilting in Australia. Backing papers give glimpses of the past.
Morning and afternoon sessions are different trunks. A rare opportunity to see up close old quilts and their stories.
Bookings for the Trunk Show may be made via our QFO Website. Promises to be a great and most enjoyable time for all. Spots still available also at our Jennifer Knol and Janna Taylor Mystery Workshop, with lunch included in the cost. Bookings via our website :)
And that just about wraps up this Blogpost. I look forward to being able to write up a fun Blogpost after our Festival of Quilts and do look forward to sharing many happy snaps of it all.
Till next post ..
many blessings
Co-ordinator: Annette Stone .... phone 0407 648 618
email: [email protected]
Blogger: Susan Hamilton .....phone (03)9737 1825
email: [email protected]
Our postal address (for donations) is P.O Box 398 Monbulk Victoria 3793
And .... we are www.quiltsforphans.org
On 'social media' aka Facebook find us at https://www.facebook.com/QuiltsForOrphans/
Check out the following Links:
http://www.facebook.com/Chelseaonesock .... for delightful retro fabric childrens clothing
http://kayleenwest.com.au .... for Art with a positive spirit
http://mellyandme.typepad.com .... creative clothing etc for children
http://mrsmartinsquiltshop.typepad.com/ ...whose customer blessed us with awesome fabric
We also stitch for the following Childrens Homes ....
http://www.butterflych.org/.... for news about the Butterfly Palliative Care hospice in China
And their very own Blog ... which is beautifully written and contains inspirational stories on the children in their care. See the Link below:
www.freetobekids.org/- .... the rescue organisation that frees children from slavery and exploitation
www.hopefosterhome.com ... the babies we are creating crib quilts for in China ...
www.zoehopeproject.blogspot.com .... giving hope to children in Zambia.
http://english.chinaconcern.org/ ... more children in China that we have stitched for ...
http://www.lolachildrensfund.org/ .... in Ethiopia
http://www.fikelela.org.za/orphan.asp .... the Fikelala AIDS Project in Capetown
http://mifanmama.com/Shining_Star_2.html the Home for vision impaired children in Shanghai
www.jewelsofhope.org ... the project we stitch for in Lesotho Southern Africa
The Matombo Village Project vimeo.com/217129149
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