Hellooooo there .... just a quick update to accompany these photos .... taken at RSPCA Day at Tesselaars Tulip Festival on September 21st. Also several taken by Pauline on the 24th .... she tells me we made another $400 plus on that day too ... brilliant!!!
One of Paulines amazing close-ups ... aren't the tulips just beautiful?
The good folk at Tesselaars kindly allocated Quilters for Orphans a marquee in which to display our wares and raise some funds for our project.
Here we have Christine, Gaynor, Rachel and Reg setting up our marquee ...
This is the view from our stand ... across the fields of tulip beds ... which even now are starting to become that famous blaze of colour for which Tesselaars are renowned ...
Rachel ..... pinning up our display of quilts and doggie designer jackets ....
Christine busily set to work displaying our dog mattresses .....
And when Rachel had finished helping us she was off to make Poffertjes for the remainder of the day ... as you can see, the weather wasn't exactly on our side ... which makes our sales achievement even more impressive really ....
Pauline and Joy were able to set up a display of our quilts in the Alpaca stand .... the Alpacas were away, as apparently they aren't overly fond of dogs ... and we had PLENTY of those visiting on RSPCA day!!!
And I am pleased (actually over the moon!!) to announce that we raised in the vicinity of $427 on the day. This was achieved by selling several quilts a dog mattress and coat and 5 of the lovely Pet Santa Sacks made by Maxines grand daughters and their friend. How wonderful is that eh? Gaynor tells me that this amount alone will be enough to complete 60 quilts .... which is an entire Childrens Home in India ... :)
Now while we were busily setting up we met Lizzie the Airedale ... who kindly volunteered to spruik our range of doggie designer coats as she travelled around the Festival grounds. At first she wasn't toooo sure if she was willing to be our 'model' .....
.... but then she realised how the coat enhanced the colour of her eyes ....
.... didn't expose her 'nether regions' to the elements .....
.... made some of the other dogs just the teensiest bit envious ("polka dots are soooo last year m'dear"!!)
... and looked great from every angle ...
We soon had caught the attention of the Greyhound Adoption Program folk... who came for a closer look....
.... and a fitting .... courtesy of Gaynor ....
... just needs another few inches in length, but Gaynor assures them that these coats can be made to fit all dogs...
... mind you, George the Maremma, seen here with his little mate Max (and Kristeen .. his owner) seems to not be in need of one of our coats. Isn't he just gorgeous?
Some dogs were in need of gumboots .... glad this pooch wasn't getting a lift home in MY car!!!
... and here is Lizzie again, she actually won a prize as the pooch with a coat most matching her owners attire ... so they came back to show us how neat she looked when the coat was reversed ...
.... she gets a treat for her time and patience as our model ...
... she even manages to do the Paris Hilton 'over the shoulder' glance ...
..... before heading off home in the coat ... which her human kindly purchased from us for her ... :)
Hopefully we will continue to raise even more over the next few days that we will be at the Tulip Festival. Which will be on Friday, Saturday and Sunday the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of October ... and Friday the 8th of October. So spread the word and come along to support us .... and of course Tesselaars, who will have a wonderful display of tulips ... and bulbs to sell. Our marquee is right next to the Alpaca tent .... so when you have finished schmoozing those gorgeous creatures, pop next door and support QFO!!!
Many, many thanks to all who supported us on Tuesday ... and we look forward to successful days as the remainder of our time at the Tulip Festival in Silvan happens. Below are some more pictures taken by Pauline on the 24th .... we have items suitable for Christmas too, so why not come and get some early shopping done ....
So don't forget to pencil in those dates ... the weekend of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd is the Wine, Food and Blues days ... and we hope that there is plenty of sunshine there as well.
Till next Blog .... and there will be more pictures from the Festival as I will be there on the 2nd, with my trusty camera ... stay well, and keep supporting QFO.... each and every item sold at Tesselaars will have the proceeds ploughed right back into providing more quilts for more children in even more COM Homes in India. And how wonderful has it been so far ... over $800 raised ... and hopefully more to come .... :)
blessings to all,
Links to follow from our RSPCA Day :
Greyhound Adoption Program
Mels Mobile Dog Grooming: 5967 2519 or 0421 302 068 (for all dog grooming needs)
.... and our regular Links to those who we support ... and who support us thru their Blogs ...
www.chinakidz.org .... for news about the Butterfly Palliative Care hospice in China
www.freetobekids.org/- .... the rescue organisation that frees children from slavery and exploitation
www.com.org.au .... our very own Christian Outreach Ministry in Mount Evelyn
http://kayleenwest.com.au .... for Art with a positive spirit
http://mellyandme.typepad.com .... creative clothing etc for children
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